Welcome, I’m Ann-Marie

Ann meaning Grace. Marie meaning Bitter.

I don’t know about you but life has not gone as I expected. Growing up in a Christian home I found myself disillusioned with a faith I did not hold or understand after witnessing the suffering of those who loved God. I had plans to leave the church after high school only to find myself a convert by its end.

My plans of art school turned to nursing school in a flash. God’s mercy allowed this dyslexic gal who had little confidence in her academic abilities to not only get through nursing school but to do it well. God amazing me with his sustaining grace, all along the way. My husband and I met the year after nursing school , connecting on an international dating website over our love of urban revitalization, writing, and Christ.

My mid and late twenties were filled with suffering and joy. I delivered our three daughters, each after complicated and traumatic pregnancies. I delivered our stillborn son into the arms of heaven.

The meaning of my name: “bitter grace” seems not only appropriate but providential. God has taken a once bitter heart and many bitter circumstances and worked his gracious and healing touch through them.

Now in my mid-thirties I find myself more settled in who I am in Christ and the many roles he has given me to play. I enjoy my role as an author and pray that God will make the words I write, not only for me, but for you.

Grace and Peace,
